Sinful Chocolate Muffins

Sinful Chocolate Muffins

1. Melt butter, add 53% Cacao Hunters Milk Chocolate and mix until chocolate melts.

2. Mix eggs, milk, sunflower oil, melted butter with chocolate, salt, brown sugar and castor sugar.

3. Sieve cake flour, Marou Cocoa Powder and Baking Powder into the mix and mix well.

4. Add Marou Chocolate Nibs into the mix and mix well.

5. Put into the oven and bake for 40mins at 190°C. 


6 Eggs 
120g Sunflower Oil
150g Brown Sugar
150g Castor Sugar
920g Cake Flour
80g Marou Cocoa Powder
45g Baking Powder
200g Unsalted ButterLorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content
150g 53% Cacao Hunters Milk Chocolate
600g Buttermilk
200g Milk
500g Marou’s Cacao Nibs
10g Salt